Many new things have been happening in your life if you are a new mother. And one of them is breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is special moment mothers have with their children. A special moment of bonding that you can’t compare with anything else. And it’s even difficult to explain to those that haven’t experienced it.
But there is the other side of the story. Breastfeeding can often be exhausting and stressful. And if you are one of those mothers that don’t think that is breastfeeding magical, you are not alone. And if you are feeling overwhelmed, you need to know that it’s completely normal to feel like that. Just don’t be harsh on yourself.
That’s why it’s always good to have something that will make your life less complicated. And believe it or not, an app can help you. Yes, you’ve read that right – an app.
On a hectic day, it’s sometimes difficult to remember when the last time you nursed your baby was. That’s when breastfeeding apps come in handy. They will help you track the breastfeeding sessions. And that’s not all; you can even keep a record of how long the sessions are, and some other info on your baby.
And maybe you are asking yourself why those things are essential to keep track of. Well, because they can give you a better picture of repetitive events and you can work your schedule around that. After all, the point is that these apps can help you organize better.
And when you are organized better, your life is more comfortable. Meaning you will be happier and your baby too.
We’ve made a list of the best breastfeeding apps that will make your life easier and breastfeeding a more pleasant experience. And here they are:
1. Baby Feeding Log
If you don’t like complicated apps with lots of features, this one is for you. With Baby Feeding Log, you get a basic timer with which you can track the nursing time. You can see when the last feeding time was, and you can add which side you used. And what’s important the app is free. Baby Feeding Log is available only for iPhone users.
2. Baby Connect
This app is the total opposite to the previous one, because it’s everything but basic. You can track feedings and baby milestones. The feeding tracker offers you to log entries and use the timer for the nursing session and pumping as well. You can see how long it was since the last session, and you can add which side you used the last time.
It’s great if you want to see the overall situation because you can track your data with the help of graphs, reports, trending charts, and weekly averages. The only possible downside is that this app is not free, but you really get a lot for the price of $4.99. The app is available both for iPhone and Android.
3. Baby Tracker
This app is a good match for those looking for an app with a lot of features and those that would like to log as many baby habits as they can. With Baby Tracker, you get a chance to track almost everything about your baby – its habits, health details, and milestones.
When it comes to the feeding tracker, it comes with a start and stops timer. You can change the settings from nursing, formula to solids, or any other combination. You can track nursing time per breast or session. The app even has a notes section where you can add details about your baby, like its preferences or allergic responses. Just like the previous app, this one also costs $4.99, but you get even more than you need for that price.
4. Baby Breastfeeding Tracker
If you decide to download this app, you will get a timer that is very easy to use, and the app will show you detailed information about your nursing sessions. You will be able to see the most recent nursing, your daily average, totals, and graphs. And a great feature is that you can sync Baby Breastfeeding Tracker with your partner or childcare provider so that everyone knows and is aware of the baby’s schedule.
This app is free for download, but it has some in-app purchases if you want some additional tracking. Baby Breastfeeding Tracker is available only for iPhone users.
5. Hatch Baby
This app with the super-cute name can track the growth and health data of your baby, and of course, the breastfeeding. It has a one-tap timer for tracking breastfeeding sessions, and bottle sessions.
You can connect this app to the Hatch Baby Grow Smart Changing Pad, and it will measure exactly how much your baby eats every time you breastfeed. It can be a real life-changer. The app is totally free, which is excellent. And you can find it both on the App Store and Google Play Store.
6. Feed Baby
With Feed Baby, you’ll be able to keep track of all the feedings, but also you can log diaper changes, pumping sessions, and even sleeping. You get detailed reports on how long the last feeding lasted, and when it was.
The information comes in charts and graphs so you will quickly know everything you need to know about your baby. The Feed baby app is free, but there are some in-app purchases available. And it’s available both for Android and iPhone users.
7. LactMed
This app is a bit different from the others, but it can help you when you most need it if you don’t know which drugs you can or can’t use while breastfeeding LactMed can help you. You will get your answers and even a recommendation for other drugs you can use. The app is free and available both for Android and iPhone users.
We hope that we’ve helped you a bit and that you’ve found the best breastfeeding app for you. And remember that even if it feels a bit overwhelming, it’s normal, and you should always be gentle on yourself.
Breastfeeding is the most natural way for mothers to provide their children with the necessary nutrients during the first months of their lives. The majority of the time, newborns demand a lot of their mother’s attention. So, while making a decision to breastfeed is great, it can sometimes be difficult and burdensome.
Nowadays, there are numerous breastfeeding apps that can help you stay organized, especially when it comes to pumping and nursing. How helpful are these apps, though? Continue reading as we will provide answers for some frequently asked questions.
How do you keep track of breastfeeding?

The ways in which you can track breastfeeding are numerous. You can do it via notebook, Word or Excel document, printable spreadsheets and apps. Whichever option you choose to go with, make sure it is easily portable or printable, so you can bring it to your next appointment with your pediatrician.
When breastfeeding, write down the time you start and finish your feeding period. Also, track which breast you start with, whether you switch between breasts and feeding time on each of them.
This way, you will gain important information about each nursing session, and the number of nutrients your child receives. Why is this data relevant? In case your infant has less weight than it is recommended for his or her age, a doctor will have a more transparent insight of what might be the problem, helping find the solution faster.
What is the best baby tracker app?
There are various baby tracker apps available on the market. Some can get downloaded free of charge, whereas others come with a price. Most of these apps are supported by both the Android and iOS systems.
Now, we will present you with the three best apps according to their overall score, and customer feedback. Afterward, you can decide which one best fits your needs.
1. Baby Tracker – Feeding, Sleep and Diaper by Amila
Score: 4.9 out of 5
As its name indicates, the app helps you track not only your feeding sessions, but also sleeping ones, and the time when a new diaper should be applied. Also, you can keep track of the overall wellness of your child – such as health, growth and leisure activities. All activities that are tracked are divided into different spreadsheets and marked in various colors so the whole process is intuitive and straightforward.
When tracking your breastfeeding sessions, the integrated timer will help you out. A time tracker is available for both breasts and can be used by mothers who are feeding their babies with a formula.
2. Huckleberry: Baby Sleep, Pumping and Feeding Tracker by Huckleberry Labs
Score: 4.9 out of 5
The Huckleberry app was created for parents by parents. Besides feeding tracking, parents can track the baby’s sleep habits and nappy changing time.
What makes this app very special is the direct pediatric help and guidance that it provides all the time. Through a set of questions, an expert will gain insight of your baby’s issues and will provide you with a personalized guide on how to overcome those obstacles.
This app can help you predict the eating and sleeping habits of your infant and it can be used for more than just one child at the same time. Here you can easily set feeding reminders.
3. Baby Daybook – Newborn Tracker by Baltapis
Score: 4.8 out of 5
The Baby Daybook app will help parents track their children’s eating and sleeping habits, as well as they will inform them about the time for a nappy change. The app provides parents with useful charts and statistics, and it also shows them the actual nursing trends. You can track medications, vaccination or leisure time.
Parents can bring the baby log next time they pay a visit to a doctor or share it with their partner.
Do I need to track breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding apps are a very useful tool. Rather than trying to memorize everything you did during the day; these apps provide you with all details and support for nursing your newborn. No matter if this is your first or third child, things can get confusing or difficult at times.
For example, if you have forgotten which breast you gave to your child the last time you fed him or her. Or perhaps you have forgotten when was the last time your baby ate. Therefore, it’s highly practical to have some of these handy apps.
On the other hand, tracking breastfeeding is by no means mandatory. Making a feeding schedule is not absolutely necessary, as you and your child will establish your personal one. Babies know when they are hungry, as well as when they are full and they will give you signs in both cases.
Signs that could indicate that your child is hungry are sighing, other sounds, and putting fingers or hands in their mouth. Turning away from the breast, spitting out, and closing your mouth are some of the indicators that your baby is well-fed, so you can stop feeding. And don’t worry the more you nurse your child, the more milk your body will provide.
What happens if a newborn goes too long without eating?
Your child needs to gain weight. In the first couple of days after the labor, depending on the delivery method, babies tend to lose weight, and they lose it rapidly. This is why it is crucial to breastfeed your child occasionally.
No more than 4 to 5 hours should pass between nursing sessions. Sometimes, newborns sleep long hours. Gently wake up your baby if 2 hours in the daytime and 4 hours at night have passed without nursing. At first, you should try nursing for 10 to 15 minutes on each breast, afterwards, you can adjust the time.
How can I breastfeed my day-old baby?
After you gave birth, both your baby and you will go through the process of getting to know each other. It would be great if you find out as much as you can about breastfeeding prior to giving the labor.
Try to breastfeed your newborn as frequently as you can – at least 10 to 12 times per day (over the course of 24 hours). Remember, you can’t nurse your child too much, but you can nurse too little. Nurse your baby on every sign of hunger (cooing, sighing, making other sounds, putting their fingers or fist into the mouth).